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ACTCAD Nesting



Cutter Diameter

Cutter diameter in nesting refers to the size of the cutting tool used to create paths for cutting shapes, influencing precision and material utilization.


True Shape Nesting

True shape nesting efficiently arranges 2D shapes on material sheets, optimizing material usage, and minimizing waste in cutting processes, achieving maximum efficiency in manufacturing.


Both Direction Nesting

parts are arranged in a manner that maximizes material utilization by nesting them in both horizontal and vertical orientations.


Turbo Mode

Turbo mode for high speed nesting calculations. components or pieces together in a single sheet for efficient material utilization and optimized cutting in manufacturing processes..


Preferential Hole Filling

Preferential hole filling enables whether to nest holes of other parts before nesting rest of the sheet.



sequence them either by their area, or by their perimeter. Part with larger area will be nested first. Normally, area sequencing gives better results than perimeter sequencing.


Part In Part

Nesting parts within parts involves arranging smaller components within larger ones to maximize material utilization and minimize waste in manufacturing processes.


Filler Parts

Filler parts in nesting refer to small geometric shapes or remnants of material that are too small to accommodate a full part but can be used to fill gaps or spaces between larger parts during the nesting process. These filler parts help optimize material usage and minimize waste by utilizing available space efficiently.



Tolerance in nesting defines the allowable deviation in part positioning during nesting, impacting material usage and production accuracy. Proper adjustment balances material optimization with precision requirements for efficient manufacturing.


Group of parts

Group of parts in nesting refers to the process of arranging multiple components or pieces together in a single sheet for efficient material utilization and optimized cutting in manufacturing processes..


Group Nesting

Nest groups in nesting refer to organizing individual parts into groups based on similar characteristics such as size, shape, or material. This grouping helps optimize material usage and production efficiency during the nesting process, enhancing overall manufacturing productivity


Island Filling

Once We perform nesting on a sheet and we try to perform nesting on the same sheet then some parts we be bested totally inside of the nested sheet. it process of filling small voids or gaps between nested parts with additional smaller shapes or components to maximize material utilization and reduce waste in manufacturing processes.


Grain Direction

Grain direction is cutting or machining materials to achieve desired properties like strength, flexibility, or appearance. Cutting parallel to the grain often results in smoother edges and better structural integrity.


Part to Part Distance

The part-to-part distance in nesting refers to the minimum gap or space between individual parts or shapes within a nested layout. It ensures that there is enough separation between parts to prevent interference.


IntellICAD 12

IntelliCAD 12 is a versatile CAD software offering advanced drafting and design tools with DWG compatibility for precise and efficient technical drawings.


2D Drafting

2D drafting in nesting involves creating, arranging, and optimizing 2D drawings of parts on material sheets for efficient manufacturing


PDF Import/Export

PDF Import/Export enables seamless conversion between PDF files and editable CAD formats for enhanced collaboration and interoperability in design workflows.


Many file formats

Nesting supports various file formats(bmp,dwg,pdf,dxf,etc..) allowing the placement of designs from different software into a single layout for efficient fabrication and cutting.